
The number 171 defines configuration of a unit, in this case it is:


1 = Option 70 (5 extra 10MHz)

7 = 910R (Rubidium osc.)

1 = Standard (No extra options)


So you can say, it’s 910R with Option 70.


Please find configuration table below in case you need it in the future. For example, 171 is XYZ.


910 & 910R

9446 A09 10XYZ


      0 = USD (Fluke USA)

      1 = EUR (Fluke Europe)

X = Optional boards/outputs

     0 = Standard (5x10MHz + 1x5MHz : always incl.)

     1 = Option 70 (5 extra 10MHz)

     2 = Option 71 (Multiple ref outputs 0.1/1/5/10MHz)

     3 = Option 72 (5 extra 2.048MHz)

     4 = Option 73 (5 extra 13MHz)

Y = Model (oscillator)

     6 = 910 (Crystal oven osc.)

     7 = 910R (Rubidium osc.)

Z = Misc built in options

     1 = Standard (No extra options)

     2 = Option 75 (1 pulse output 0.5 Hz…5MHz)

     3 = Option 76 (Ethernet connection)

     4 = Option 75 och 76