
The process for all Everett Primary Laboratory calibrations follow the same basic process:

1) An instrument arrives and we take As Found Data.

2) After collecting As Found data the procedure evaluates that the As Found data meets the As Left specs.  If this analysis is determined to be true, no adjustment is needed and we take As Left data.  The customer will then receive a "Found/Left" certificate.

3) If the instrument doesn't meet the As Left specs, the required adjustment procedure is performed followed by a collection of As Left data.  In this scenario the customer will receive two certificates one for As Found and one for As Left after adjustment.

Specifics of a 57XX Calibration:

The same basic process is followed with some minor variation:  
1) Take As Found data, procedure evaluates whether or not an adjustment is required.  This evaluation takes the results of the As Found test and compares them to the As Left specs, but in this case it is based on a 24-hour spec for accuracy and stability.
2) IF all is good the customer will get a Found/Left certificate and no adjustment is required.   This applies to most calibrations.
3) IF an adjustment is required, As Found data is taken and if the As Found data is out of tolerance or not does not meet the As Left (24 hour) specs, an artifact calibration is performed and As Left data is collected.
The Artifact Calibration is the only way to adjust the 57XX product line.   The Artifact Calibration is also the only way to change the internal Calibration date.  The Primary lab only adjusts an instrument if it is necessary. Adjustments can be considered an event that affects historical trend data.  Most customers like to see a long line of no adjusts so they can predict the behavior and performance of the instrument.  This also helps determine more appropriate recall cycles for their equipment.