Title: Error: 3706 displayed when booting up Met/Temp II
Created: 17.June.2021
Last Revised:
Applies To: Met/Temp II
Problem Description: When booting up Met/Temp II the following message is displayed:
Resolution/Work Around: This error message is probably displayed after a Microsoft Office update which replaces a 32-bit driver with a 64-bit version. A reinstallation of the Microsoft Access 2010 Database (32-bit) needs to be done. The database may be downloaded using the following link:
When they follow the link, there will be a place to click "Download", which will then bring up two options. The first one will be the 32-bit version. Select that, click "Next", and then follow the directions from there.
Another cause of this error message could be due to a problem or conflict with Vitual Basic (VBA) programming. Please use the information at the following link to help correct this: