
The purpose of this article is to explain the significance of the Power Configuration and Nominal voltage setting for the Fluke-1750 setup using the Fluke Power Analyze software. We will discuss the 3 Phase WYE and 3 Phase Delta Power Configurations.

The assumption is you are connected to the Fluke-1750 using the Ethernet cable and able to communicate with the Power Analyze software.
The section of the software we will be reviewing is 1750 Setup.

1. The section of the 1750 setup window we will focus on is the Configuration section. This section drives how the Fluke-1750 connects to the circuit, measures the circuit and captures events.

2. In the picture below the Power Configuration selected is 3-ph Wye which means the 1750 is evaluating the measurements using the neutral channel as the point of reference and measuring neutral to each phase.

3. The nominal voltage section sets the voltage level for the standard to determine Swells, Dips and Interruptions. In the picture below it’s set to 120V and the Event Limits list the trigger levels for capturing those events. Note the Phase – Phase area is greyed out on purpose because you are not able to evaluate both Phase to Neutral and Phase to Phase measurements at the same time. 

4. A common misunderstanding is for someone to change the 3-ph Wye Nominal Voltage Phase – Neutral to a Phase to Phase value such as 208V or 480V but since the 1750 is measuring phase to neutral it will not measure 208V or 480V since that level would be a phase to phase measurement. If you need to measure phase to phase change the Power Configuration to 3-ph Delta.
5. When you are done setting the Power Configuration and Nominal Voltage click the Apply button at bottom right corner to apply the settings to the Fluke 1750.