
The purpose of this article is to list the Fluke Instruments that are compatible with both the i2500-10, i2500-18 and i2500-36. The difference between the three is the size of the hoop, i2500-10 creates a 3 inch diameter, i2500-18 creates a 6 inch diameter and the i2500-36 creates a 12 inch diameter but all three measure from 1A to 2500A. 


Here is the list of compatible Fluke Instruments.

  1. Fluke-A3001FC
  2. Fluke-279FC
  3. Fluke-374FC
  4. Fluke-375FC
  5. Fluke-376FC
  6. Fluke-377FC
  7. Fluke-378FC
  8. Fluke-393FC
  9. Fluke-381