
E-DWT-H Pressure Calibrator - Video showing how to use the Priming Pump, Variable Volume and the Fine Adjust Valve. See below text for some further tips on how to prime the system with a test device connected.

Shown below is an E-DWT that does not have any air in it and the TEST ports are plugged (so minimal test volume). I first generate pressure with the priming pump then release it (incorrect operation). I repeat but close the reservoir shutoff valve while holding the priming pump down (correct operation to prime). Then I use the variable volume to generate pressure. Then I use the Fine Adjust Valve to increase the pressure some more. You can see that with a system that does not have any air in it the response is very quick.

If there is air in the system the response is much slower. See this article for information on Filling test devices (gauges) with liquid before calibration


If filling the test device is not possible/practical here are the steps help prime the test device/system:

  1. Install the device you want to run but leave the fitting very loose
  2. Open both the reservoir and test shutoff valves all the way
  3. Gently use the priming pump to push oil into the device that is connected. Wiggle the device as pushing down on the primer and you will start to see oil come out of the loose fitting along with air bubbles.
  4. Continue to prime until don't see any air bubbles coming out.
  5. Do one more prime stroke and as you are pushing down on the primer (this is critical) tighten the fitting on the device you are testing so that air does not get pushed into it again.
  6. There will still be some air in the system so need to continue to use the primer. Press it down gently a few times and you will see the E-DWT display to start to build pressure. Do this somewhat rapidly.
  7. Do not exceed 50-75 PSI as higher can start to damage the primer.
  8. Once see close to the above pressure (little lower is ok too) continue with one more stoke of the primer and as pressing down on it (this is critical) close the test shutoff valve at the same time which will trap a pressure. A trapped pressure of say 25-75 PSI is good.
  9. You can then use the variable volume/wheel to generate higher pressure. It will likely still take a few revolution to further finish compressing any air but then it will start to generate pressure very quickly.
  10. Other general E-DWT operation tips (including some of the above) is discussed in the attached E-DWT User Guide below (this is a quick operation guide, not the full User Manual)

View the full series of 7 E-DWT-H videos here,

Related Attachments (1)