The Services are sorted by their last modified date in descending order, so the most recently edited on top, last edited one on the bottom of the list.
To change the order follow the steps below.
- Sign into MET/TEAM with a user account belongs to the "configuration" group
- Click on Setup-->Services
- Ensure the "Show Inactive" button is in the not selected or lighter state and click Find to see all the active Services
- Double click on the one you want on the bottom of your list
- Edit the Notes record by adding a space to the end of the notes and then remove the space
NOTE: We are doing this just so we can save the record, so any such activity can be used - Press Save
Repeat the steps above for the other Services, based on the order you want them to appear, from the bottom of list to the top.
Typically "Calibration" will be the last one edited, therefore putting it on Top of the List so it will be used when receiving items.