Feet on older Molbox1+ are different if do not appear as shown in the picture below. The enclosure was changed so the feet also changed.
The tilting portion of the front foot to order is below part:
Part: 2650711
Item Desc :WT-630564,TILT STAND
*** These are sold individually so would need quantity of 2 if want new set. They are inserted into the fixed foot so would also need that part below if wanting to replace them also.
The front and rear fixed feet are:
Part: 868786
Item Desc :5700A-2043-01 ,BOTTOM FOOT, MOLDED, GRAY #7
*** These are sold individually so would need quantity of 4 if want full new set.
*** FYI, both these parts are used on many products like Molbox1+, newer PPC4 enclosures, 6270A/8270A/8370A, as well a products from other disciplines like electrical and temperature products.
Part: 2184887
*** This can be hard to install so recommended to send in for repair
Part: 5341255
Colored Bands for Pressure Tube Connections:
The same bands are used on the Molbox and Molbloc connections as well as the Pressure Tube ends.
Part: 3232509
Item Desc :102431-Z,TBG, HEAT SHRINK 1/2IN RED
Part: 3232511
Item Desc :102432-Z,TBG, HEAT SHRINK 1/2IN BLUE