november 11, 2022

FAQ - Known issue with Visual Studio 2015 update 3, affecting MET/CAL Editor


After a Visual Studio update I see this error message in my MET/CAL Editor:


This error has been seen to occur after update 3 of Visual Studio, and here is the process to eliminate this error:

  • Uninstall any Visual Studio versions from the workstation
  • Uninstall any Visual C++ from the workstation
  • Delete these three directories if present




  • Reboot computer
  • Download this part of the 10.2.2 MET/CAL (highlighted below) and put it in the correct location as described in the readme.  this will allow an offline (no internet) connection.

  • Next,  install each prerequisite manually from:

MET/TEAM server:  \\<servername>\metteam\Installers\METCAL\ISSetupPrerequisites​\  

and watch for errors.  If there are errors, take a screen shot to send to support.


In the current versions, (10.2.2) there are four installers under ISSetupPrerequisites.

  .      ndp48-x86-x64-allos-enu.exe
  .      vc_redist.x86.exe
  .      vs_isoshell.exe
      .  mu_visual_studio_2015_update_3_x86_x64_web_installer_8922962.exe

After these are installed, Reboot computer again and test the MET/CAL Editor. If you get errors upon log in, capture them and send them to softwaresupport@flukecal.com.


If you are still having layout problems, follow these instructions to re-set your layout:

Reset your MET/CAL Editor screen layout