How to test charging stations for charging mode 3?
To test charging stations based on the standard IEC/EN 61851-1 for electric vehicles
you need an Installation Tester* in combination with an EV Test Adapter Kit EV-520.
Testing procedure of a charging station:
- Use the left switch to set the maximum current carrying capacity of the charging point, set the right switch to vehicle status "A".
- Connect the EV-520 measuring adapter to the charging station and the installation tester to the EV-520 measuring adapter.
- Now set the right switch to vehicle status "B" (ready to charge), the charging plug will be locked.
- Then set the right switch to vehicle status "C" (charging active), the EV-520 measuring adapter enables the charging output, the output voltage is displayed by means of LEDs.
- The required test steps for the electrical test are performed according to country-specific specifications for testing charging station and testing electrical systems.
- Finally simulate the CP error and PE error by simply pressing the respective key.
The EV-520 measuring adapter thus offers a universal solution for quick and easy testing of functionality and safety.
* The installation tester should provide RCD type B testing