There are two sets of reports, there are one set for MET/TEAM and one set for optional Customer Portal. Each application has two directories as explained below.
By default, these directories are located on the server / computer hosting the MET/TEAM and or Customer Portal websites in these folders:
Customer Portal
C:\inetpub\wwwroot\CustomerPortal\Reporting\Customer Portal
NOTE: During the installation, a different drive or root folder location may have been selected. If so the folders above are the 'standard' or default locations, yours could be different.
NOTE 2: At the end of this article you can find a complete list of all reports included with MET/TEAM version 3.3.1
However, all of these folders can be changed / reconfigured via the System Defaults
To figure out where the reports are located on your system you can confirm with the steps below.
- Sign into MET/TEAM as a user that is a member of either the Administrator or Configuration groups.
- Click Configure--> System Defaults, then in the find page, locate the following entries:
Reports - Default System directory
Reports - Default Reports directory
Reports - Customer Portal system directory
Reports - Customer Portal reports directory
- Double click on any one of them to open it.
- If the Active check box is checked, then it is using the path in the Value field
- If the Active check box is not checked then it is using the default path as shown above.
The two directories with "reports" in the second part of the name will contain the "Custom" reports that are listed when MET/TEAM's Reports--> Custom Reports menu is selected. Or, in the case of Customer Portal, when the "Reports" menu item is selected. Typically, these have either no parameters or parameters that users can fill in such as start and end dates or barcode number.
The two directories with "system" in the name contain reports that are printed via buttons on various MET/TEAM and Customer Portal pages.
DO NOT ever have the same report in both a "Reports" directory and a "System" directory because there is no guarantee which will be used in a particular circumstance.
Here is some important info / tips regarding MET/TEAM and Customer Portal reports:
- First and most important - there should never be identically named reports in the two MET/TEAM reports folders, this includes all sub-folders. Having duplicate named reports will NOT cause any errors in MET/TEAM, however, the functionality can be strange / unpredictable, especially if the reports have duplicate names but are not identical reports. This is because there is no guarantee, which version of the report will be located and used at any point in time.
- There are two reports folders for MET/TEAM and two more for the optional Customer Portal module and the location of each of these folders is described above.
- The functionality of the folders can't be changed, just the location of the folders. Meaning, the 'custom' folder, regardless of location, is used to populate the list of reports displayed when Reports--> Custom Reports is selected from the MET/TEAM window. These reports either have no parameters or if they do have any, they ask for information the user would be able to provide, such as start and end dates, or Customer Name or Equipment Barcode. They would never ask for 'UID' values since the customer would have no way of knowing them. The 'system' folder contains reports that are used based on buttons and drop lists configured within MET/TEAM. System reports typically have parameters that a user would NOT be able to provide (UID values), hence they are placed in a folder so a user cannot select them manually to run. To be clear, you will have customized reports in your 'system' folder, this is normal and expected.
- Old / outdated or even new / in development reports should NOT be located in any of the four folders defined by system defaults, if reports need to be archived / saved, use another folder. This 'archive' folderfolder can be in the "\reporting" folder, but none of the folders identified by the system defaults.
If you follow these rules / suggestions, you reports should work reliably and as expected.
Below is a list of all the Fluke provided reports as of MET/TEAM (and Customer Portal) version 3.3.1
NOTE: Reports for earlier versions were virtually identical, but the list was shorter because some reports have been added over time. If details for a specific version are needed contact for additional information.
These reports can be found in any MET/TEAM .iso install file in the following folders:
MET/TEAM ; <mounted ISO>:\Setup\IISRootFolder\METTEAM\Reporting\
Customer Portal: <mounted ISO>:\Setup\IISRootFolder\CustomerPortal\Reporting\
MET/TEAM report files list
Reporting\Reports folder
- ActiveAssets.rpt
- ActiveTypes.rpt
- Averages.rpt
- FacilityAssets.rpt
- InvoiceTotals.rpt
- InvoiceTotalsByAmount.rpt
- JobNumbers.rpt
- Label Information.rpt
- LicenseUsage.rpt
- Parts.rpt
- Procedures Used.rpt
- Procedures.rpt
- ReOrderParts.rpt
- TurnTimesWithBreakdown.rpt
- WorkSheet.rpt
- YtyAverages.rpt
Reporting\System\Escalation folder (no longer included as of 3.3)
- RecallEscalationTemplate.htm
Reporting\System folder
- barcode.rpt
- Cal Before Use.rpt
- Cal Cert w TSR.rpt
- Cal Cert w Uncert.rpt
- calcert.rpt
- CalCertWithAccred.rpt
- Calendar.rpt
- Calibration - Limited.rpt
- Calibration - small.rpt
- Calibration.rpt
- CalSticker.rpt
- CompletedWork.rpt
- Inactive.rpt
- Inventory.rpt
- Invoice_Detail.rpt
- MaintenanceRecall.rpt
- MaintenanceRecall_No_PageBreaks.rpt
- ManualTemplateFields.rpt
- PackingSlip.rpt
- Pricing.rpt
- ProblemReportNew.rpt
- quote.rpt
- Recall Customer Portal.rpt
- Recall.rpt
- Recall-Alerting.rpt
- Recall-Alerting-Delinquent.rpt
- Recall-Alerting-FCL-w-level.rpt
- Recall-Alerting-ToolAssignment.rpt
- Recall-Alerting-ToolAssignment-w-level.rpt
- RecallByWeekandMonth.rpt
- RecallNoGroup.rpt
- ReceivedLog.rpt
- Rejected.rpt
- rt_report_of_cal_ver_8.rpt
- rt_report_of_cal_Z540.3.rpt
- Shipping.rpt
- TechWork.rpt
- Timekeeping.rpt
- ToolRoom.rpt
- Trace_v3.rpt
- ttrace.rpt
- WIP.rpt
- Worksheet_UID.rpt
Customer Portal report files list
Reporting\Customer Portal folder
- CustomerActiveAssets.rpt
- CustomerActiveTypes.rpt
- CustomerFacilityAssets.rpt
- CustomerInvoiceTotals.rpt
Reporting\System\Escalation folder (Identical to MET/TEAM No longer included as of 3.3)
- RecallEscalationTemplate.htm
Reporting\System folder (Identical to MET/TEAM)
- barcode.rpt
- Cal Before Use.rpt
- Cal Cert w TSR.rpt
- Cal Cert w Uncert.rpt
- calcert.rpt
- CalCertWithAccred.rpt
- Calendar.rpt
- Calibration - Limited.rpt
- Calibration - small.rpt
- Calibration.rpt
- CalSticker.rpt
- CompletedWork.rpt
- Inactive.rpt
- Inventory.rpt
- Invoice_Detail.rpt
- MaintenanceRecall.rpt
- MaintenanceRecall_No_PageBreaks.rpt
- ManualTemplateFields.rpt
- PackingSlip.rpt
- Pricing.rpt
- ProblemReportNew.rpt
- quote.rpt
- Recall Customer Portal.rpt
- Recall.rpt
- Recall-Alerting.rpt
- Recall-Alerting-Delinquent.rpt
- Recall-Alerting-FCL-w-level.rpt
- Recall-Alerting-ToolAssignment.rpt
- Recall-Alerting-ToolAssignment-w-level.rpt
- RecallByWeekandMonth.rpt
- RecallNoGroup.rpt
- ReceivedLog.rpt
- Rejected.rpt
- rt_report_of_cal_ver_8.rpt
- rt_report_of_cal_Z540.3.rpt
- Shipping.rpt
- TechWork.rpt
- Timekeeping.rpt
- ToolRoom.rpt
- Trace_v3.rpt
- ttrace.rpt
- WIP.rpt
- Worksheet_UID.rpt