
Procedure errors can be frustrating, but many times the error will tell you exactly what the problem is. Before you contact support to get help with the issue, here is a handy checklist with crucial information needed to save troubleshooting time and effort.

  1. What version of MET/CAL Editor or Runtime are you using? This can be found under the Help > About menu.

  2. If you downloaded the procedure from the MyMET/SUPPORT site or you are already running it as a PXE, what is the revision of the project (under Project > Properties)?        

  3. Or if you installed it from an MCZ file or it has just been in your procedure directory for awhile, what is the revision of the main procedure?

    To get that information, just open the procedure in Editor:

    INSTRUMENT: Tektronix MSO2024B: (1 yr) VER VISA /5522A+SC600
    DATE: 2013-08-09 12:49:29
    AUTHOR: Fluke
    REVISION: $Revision: 16444 $
    CONFIGURATION: Fluke 5522A
    CONFIGURATION: Fluke Ocal (600MHz)

  4. If the procedure is automated, Did you check what model and firmware revision it was tested on?

    # The procedure was tested using:
    # Model No: MSO2024B
    # Serial No: C010526
    # Firmware: CF:91.1CT FV:v1.52
    # Options:

    What is the firmware version of  your DUT?  Does it match?

  5. Did you include any error messages? Screen shots of all error messages are the best tools.
  6. Do you know what line of which procedure is causing the error?  In many cases you can click the "list" button in the post-test summary window which will indicate the line of code in question.  

    Then if you arrow up, you will find which procedure the line of code is in.  This is particularly useful for procedures that have many sub-procedures.

  7. If you can't find the line number, did you include the line number and/or place where the procedure errors? (eg, as soon as it is launched, during the AC Voltage test section, during the Self-Test, etc).
  8. Have you run Trace?  Trace for IEEE and RS232 is useful for communication issues and accuracy trace helps resolve error messages involving accuracy lookups.  To turn it on, Log in to MET/CAL Editor, go to the debug menu and select trace.  Next select the type of trace based on the error message.

    The trace code will appear in the output window at the bottom of the Editor screen:

    You can copy and paste the text into a document and send it to the support group for help.

All of this information can make the troubleshooting process much easier and save a lot of back and forth emails between a MET/CAL user and the technical support team, which helps us answer your question as quickly as possible. So, have you included all of the applicable items on the list?