
Documentation for the 2468 Accuracy specification is missing the high range piston info, some differences in the accuracy specifications, and different terminology has been used over the years to identify its pistons. Below is a full summary.


The pistons for the 2468 are in general the same as used on the 2465, but adjusted and tested to ensure meet specifications using twice as much mass load as those delivered for use as a 2465.  As a result, they have the same Accuracy specification as their equivalent 2465 piston. Since the 2468 pistons allow double the mass their pressure range is also double that of the 2465 equivalent piston.


If needing to reach the maximum pressure of 1,000 PSI and considering both of these systems, the 2468 is preferred as the 2465 High Range piston is more sensitive to becoming dirty/needing cleaning.


Accuracy Specification:

Piston Name 2465 Equivalent Accuracy Specification
2468-758 Low Range (aka Standard) 2465-725 Low Range ±(0.0010 % of reading or 0.07 Pa, whichever is greater)
2468-707 Mid Range (aka Optional) 2465-727 Lower Mid Range ±(0.0010 % of reading or 0.28 Pa, whichever is greater)
2468-730 High Range  2465-730 Upper Mid Range ±(0.0026 % of reading or 2.8 Pa, whichever is greater)