Pressure Measurement Module (PMM) Calibration Kits (Calibration Sled) are available if you would like to calibrate PM600, PM630, PM500, PM200 or PM230 modules outside of the pressure controller. The kits include a power supply adapter, a null modem cable (DB9-F to DB9-F), and a null modem USB to RS232 adapter cable (and driver CD).
The TEST and REFERENCE pressure ports of the 20M and 40M kits are 1/4 inch NPT-F, and are DH500-F on the 100M kit. DH500 is a cone and threaded connection compatible with Autoclave F250C and HIP HF4.
COM settings are: baud rate 9600, parity none, data bits 8, stop bits 1, handshake none. Commands sent to the Cal Sled should be terminated with CR and LF. The replies from the Cal Sled are terminated with CR. Here is a view of these settings in the Fluke Calibration Remote Communications Tool that is included with COMPASS for Pressure calibration software. The settings in HyperTerminal, PuTTy, or NI Interactive Control.
Note that communications with the modules when they are installed in a pressure controller (2271A, 6270A, 8270A, 8370A) are by CAN bus so the below remote commands should not be sent to pressure controllers, just to the modules when they are in a calibration kit.
Part Number: 4968763
Notes: For use with all modules 40 MPa (6000 psi and below). This kit comes with a plug for the REFERENCE port for use when calibrating a BRM600-BA100K module. It is recommended to purchase this kit rather than the -20M model as it will calibrate all modules that the -20M kit will, and it calibrates modules up to 40 MPa also.
Part Number: 4456687 (no longer available, order PMM-CAL-KIT-40M)Description: KIT-PMM-CAL-20M, PRESSURE MEASUREMENT MODULE CALIBRATION KIT, 20 MPA (3000 PSI).
Notes: For use with all modules 20 MPa (3000 psi and below). This kit comes with a plug for the REFERENCE port for use when calibrating a BRM600-BA100K module.
Part Number: 4968756
Notes: For use only with PM230 and PM630 modules - modules that are 70 MPa (10000 psi) and higher.
If you need the driver for the USB-RS232 adapter see this article, USB to null modem RS232 adapter
To order or for a quote, contact the Fluke Calibration Orders Team by email at FCAL Orders Team or by calling +1.877.355.3225. Contact the Fluke Calibration Pressure Technical Support team at the link below (to create a support ticket) or at the same phone number.
Note: Commands below are in quotes for clarity of what the full command is. Don't send quotation marks.
To read the pressure unit for the VAL? query send "PRES_UNIT?" command. The return is the pressure unit.
To set the pressure unit for the VAL? query send "PRES_UNIT x" where "x" is KPAL (for kPa), PSI or BAR
VAL? or VAL1?
To read the current pressure send "VAL?" command. The reply will be the value in the unit specified by PRES_UNIT command.
To read the module's on-board barometer current pressure (if applicable) send "VAL2?" command. The reply will be the value in the unit specified by PRES_UNIT command. This command is not needed for calibrating the module's pressure output.
To read the module's fast sensor current pressure (if applicable) send "VAL3?" command. The reply will be the value in the unit specified by PRES_UNIT command. This command is not needed for calibrating the module's pressure output.
To read the current temperature send "TEMP?" command (if a temperature output is available). The reply will be the value and current units. This command is not needed for calibrating the module's pressure output.
To read the serial number send "*IDN?" command. Reply is "Fluke, Model #, Serial #, software version, model, memory. Example reply is FLUKE,PM600-A20M,9990101,1.00,PM600,64K
Whenever you make changes to settings you must send “CAL_STORE” to save to memory. If not, and power is cycled, the value will not be stored.
C0 (Pressure Adder)
To read C0 send “OFFSET_SET?” The return is always in psi.
To set C0 send “OFFSET_SET x” where “x” is a decimal or integer and must be in psi.
Note - On the pressure controller display screens, the CO value is in psi for PM200, PM600 & PM630 modules. The C0 value is in kPa for PM500 modules (as of 12-December-2018, will likely be changed to psi sometime in the future).
C1 (Pressure Multiplier)
To read C1 send “GAIN_SET?” The return is a unit less decimal.
To set C1 send “GAIN_SET x” where “x” is a decimal (multiplier).
ZOFFSET (zero offset or zOffset or Autozero value)
To read zOffset send “UCOEF_SET[0]?” The return is in the current pressure units.
To set zOffset send “UCOEF_SET[0] x” where “x” is a decimal or integer in psi.
CAL DATE for the primary sensor
To read cal date send “CAL_DATE?” The return is a string.
To set cal date send “CAL_DATE mm/dd/yy”. Ensure that the format matches that of the reply above.
CAL DATE for the primary sensor
To read cal date send “CAL_DATE?” The return is a string.
To set cal date send “CAL_DATE mm/dd/yy”. Ensure that the format matches that of the reply above.
To save changes to memory send "CAL_STORE" command
Whenever you make changes you must send “CAL_STORE” to save to memory. If not, and power is cycled, the value will not be stored.
The PMM Calibration Kit is just like a bay in the pressure controller. Remove the Pressure Measurement Module from the bay in the pressure controller and insert it in the same way into the PMM Calibration Kit.
For advanced use with COMPASS for Pressure see this article,
Macros: PM200 and PM600 - Fully Automated Calibration