
If your PPCx Pressure Controller (PPC2+, PPC3, PPC4, PPC4E, PPC4EX, PPCH, PPCH-G) is having control problems we might ask that you capture diagnostics logs and send them to us.

Diagnostics can be captured from the RS232 COM1 port of these controllers when connected to a computer running logging software like HyperTerminal or These instructions refer to HyperTerminal software.

Instructions to Log Diagnostics

  1. Connect to COM1 of the device with a serial (RS-232) connection.
  2. Establish a communications channel with the device with a program such as HyperTerminal. High baud rates are suggested for diagnostics. Suggested COM settings for both HyperTerminal and test equipment are 19200, N, 8, 1. Typical path for PPC controllers is [Special], <Remote>, <RS232>, <COM1>.
  3. To confirm that there is a connection, send the command VER. When typing commands in HyperTerminal they are not shown on the screemn.
  4. The response should be a version string similar to “Fluke Calibration, model name and software version”. Old model equipment may show “DHI”
  5. Use the HyperTerminal menu selection of <Transfer>,<Capture Text> to start capturing and saving data that will be generated. Choose a directory and file name or make one.
  6. Send diagnostic command(s) as desired. Typically only the command, !diaggen=1 is needed for troubleshooting control problems. !diaggen=1 captures pressure control parameters for PPC and PPCH valve control. A response containing 1 should be returned.
  7. When running diagnostics it is preferable to not push any buttons on the device. Use remote commands from HyperTerminal PC to set pressures, etc. (e.g. PS=100 sets a pressure of 100 in the current units. ABORT stops pressure control, VENT=1 vents the controller, VENT=0 closes the vent valve)
  8. The diagnostics can run during any test or command
  9. Send command !diag=0 to stop capturing diagnostics. Cycling power on the controller also stops diagnostics.
  10. When you are done, use the <Transfer>,<Capture Text>,<Stop> menu selections to stop capturing data.
  11. Cycle power after doing diagnostics to prevent any communications problems.
  12. Send the file to along with a description of what was happening.