
Results Order

In MET/TEAM version 2.2, the introduction of global unique identifiers (GUIDs) to the database to replace the numeric UIDs caused a bug where the order of results in the Work Order Results tab does not match the order on a certificate.

To fix this issue, a simple change to the stock reports (or one that you have edited from a stock report) needs to be made. If you are using the stock report, you can replace your METCAL_Results.rpt subreport with the attached version below.

Attached at the end of this article is a completely updated version of the 2.2 "Cal Cert w TSR.rpt" with all know issues resolved.

If you need to fix a report that you have altered previously, follow the steps below:

1. Open the report in Crystal Reports and double click on the METCAL_Results subreport to open it.

In the original report, the grouping criteria (which is also used for purposes of ordering the results) is the ResultUID. 

2. Right click on Group Header #1 and select "Change Group..."

3. Change the grouping field from vw_METCAL_DataPoints.ResultUID to nCallSheetResultOrdinal.



Repeat Steps 2-3 for Group Header #3.

4. Select Insert>Group.

??5. Select tStartTime as the grouping field with a section printed for each second.

6. Click and drag to move the newly created Group Header #4 above Group Header #2.

7. Right click on Group Header #2 (now the new group that was just created) and select Suppress (No Drill-Down).

8. Repeat Step 7 for Group Footer #2.

9. Save the changes to your subreport and the report as a whole.

10. Make a backup of your current report, then move this new report to your reporting directory to replace the old one. 

Missing Address fields on Cal Cert with TSR

Another issue has come to our attention. Once a work order is returned and closed, the 'address' info for both the customer and the lab disappear from the cert if the addresses are provided via the "Lab" and "Owner" report parameters.  See this article for more information and solutions:

MET/TEAM version 2.2 Certificate issues with Lab and Owner data


Latest update for attachments:

Cal Cert w TSR.rpt -  9 Aug 2019

METCAL_Results_Sorting_Fix.rpt - 14 Dec 2017