
1. 1586A USB Setup (If you are planning in using LAN go to step# 2).

1.1 On the 1586A press the “INSTRUMENT SETUP “and then scroll down using the down arrow until you find “Remote Port” and set it to USB, and for the “Temperature Source” select 9600.

1.2 Connect the 1586A to the computer through the USB cable.



1.3 On the computer go to “Device Manager”, and then click on “Ports (COM & LPT)” to identify which USB port is being used by the computer. For this example, it is: COM port 5.


1.4 Launch the Fluke DAQ software.

Click on “New” to create a new configuration

Click on “Save as” to name the new configuration and save it to the location of your choice.

Data Storage: By clicking on “Data File Configuration” you can also select the location where you want the data to be stored.

 Now click on “Insert”



1.5 Under “Instrument Type” select “1586A Super-DAQ”

Under “COM” select USB

Under “COM Port” select the com port you found using Device Manager, and for this example it is COM5.

Click Next and then go to step# 3


2. 1586A LAN Setup.

2.1 Connect the network internet cable to the 1586A.


2.2 On the 1586A press the “INTSRUMENT SETUP” and then scroll down using the down arrow until you find “Remote Port” and set it to LAN.

2.3 Launch the Fluke DAQ software.

Click on “New” to create a new configuration

Click on “Save as” to name the new configuration and save it to the location of your choice.

Data Storage: By clicking on “Data File Configuration” you can also select the location where you want the data to be stored. 

Now click on “Insert”


2.4 Under “Instrument Type” select 1586A Super-DAQ

Under “Comm” select LAN

IP Address: Now check the IP address that your network has assigned to the 1586A under “LAN Setup”. In the below screen don’t type the zeros in front of the subnets numbers of the IP address. For example, if the IP address is: you only type:

Click “Next”.


3. On the below screen click NEXT.


4. Check on the back of the 1586A to identify to which slot the High-Capacity module is connected to and select it in the below screen. If you have a DAQ-STAQ connected to either slot you can also select it now. Finally click “Finish”.




5. Now click on the module where you want to perform the test, and then click “Insert”. Specify the channels that you want to test, and for this example are channels 201 and 202.

You may need to type the channels twice to allow the software to take them.


6. After you click OK in the above screen the below window will show.

Note: If for any reason you see all channels showing on the below screen you can mark them by pressing the ”SHIFT” key and the “LEFT MOUSE BUTTON” at the same time, and then press the “RIGTH MOUSE BUTTON” and select “REMOVE”.   


7. Now click on the first channel to select the settings. You can also click on “Save as” to save the configuration.


8. Click on each of the next channels to do the same as the previous step until you are done doing for all the channels.


9. Click on 1586A as shown on picture below to select the instrument settings.



  • Interval: Uses the internal timer of the 1586A:
  • External: When the external trigger is activated another scan is taken.
  • Alarm: Uses a second interval timer to start a scan when an alarm condition is encountered by the module.


Interval: Is the time between scans

Duration: Is the time duration to record data for a specific test.


Instrument Data Storage:

  • None: Data is only store in the PC at the location stated in step# 1.4 (USB) and 2.3 (LAN)
  • Internal: Besides storing the data in the PC the data is also stored in the internal memory of the 1586A
  • Temp. Units:

Select °F or °C

Sample Rate: Determines how fast the channels are scanned.

  • Fast: 1 sec/channel
  • Medium: 1 sec/channel
  • Slow: 4 second/channel
  • Custom: Not available for the 1586A 

Upload: A current configuration already set in the 1586A can be uploaded to the Daq 6.0 software.

Download: A configuration set in Daq 6.0 can be downloaded to the 1586A

After the settings are done click on the symbol with 2 monitors to star scanning. 

10. The below screen will show after you click on the 2 monitors symbol as explained in the previous step.


After you start scanning, you may get a message on the screen of the 1586A that says, “The keys are locked”. Press and hold the unlock Key” which is the one with the period symbol (item 20 on the below picture) until you hear a beep.


11. Toolbar Buttons, and for more information about them please check the manual pages 5, 6, and 7.


a- Access the communications dialog (stop/Start scan)

b- Access the trend dialog to see the scanned data collected.

c- The alarm buttons will show information about the configured alarm events.

d- Web and alarm mail settings.

e- Exit the software