
To save 0% and 100% values for the span check feature on the Fluke 715, follow these steps: 


  1. Set the 715 to mA Output with the test leads in the +LOOP and V inputs, with the test leads shorted together to complete the loop
  2. Use the scroll buttons (on the right) the adjust the output to your 0% value
  3. Press the “up” step and scroll buttons at the same time to store the 0% value
  4. Use the scroll buttons (on the right) the adjust the output to your 100% value
  5. Press the “up” step and scroll buttons at the same time to store the 100% value
  6. Press the Input/Output/Span Check button until “Spancheck” appears on the screen
  7. Use the “down” step button to toggle between 0% and 100%, and “down” scroll button to change in 25% steps