
The purpose of this article is to review the Event Wave Capture settings. The Events will work in the background when using the meter. It does not matter what function you are using these Events are active all the time. 

Below are some pictures to help guide you to the Waveform Capture Event settings.

Step 1. Turn on Meter.

Step 2. Push Setup button circled in red below

Step 3. Push Blue F4 (Manual Setup) button.


Step 4. Push Blue button F3 (Function Pref).


Step 5. Scroll down the list and highlight Waveform Capture and push Enter.


Step 6. You are now viewing the Wave Capture list. You can modify the Transient and Amps trigger levels. The Swell, Dip, Rapid Voltage Change and Voltage Interruption are based on the EN50160 standard.


The Transient trigger level is not a RMS value, it's a deviation level anywhere on the waveform. As an example if you setup the meter as 3 Phase WYE 120V the Fluke meter will measure the sinewave and the default Transient trigger level will be set to 60V which means that anywhere on the 120V Waveform if there is a glitch on the waveform greater than 60V for 5us or longer it will be captured as a Transient Event.


You can change the default Transient trigger level, Fluke decided to set a reasonable level for most circumstances to half of the nominal voltage in the setup. The Swell, Dip, Rapid Voltage Change and Voltage Interruption events thresholds are set by the EN50160 standard. You can either have the box next to each parameter checked or unchecked depending on what your goals are for capturing events. The Amps parameter when checked and trigger level set allow you to capture amperage changes when the level goes above the trigger level.

Once you are done reviewing the parameters if you have changed anything it will keep the changes until you go back and modify them.