Revision Date: 11 July 2023
Author:  M. Daniels
Leak Testing Procedure:
1. Control to a mid-scale pressure.  
2. If the 7615 is able, allow it to control at target for approximately one minute.
3. Cancel the control mode by placing the 7615 into MEASURE mode.
4. Wait 3 to 5 minutes for thermal stabilization.  
5a.  Record the pressure.
5b.  Use a stop watch and time for 30 seconds.
5c.  Record the pressure at the end of the 30 second timed period.
6. Calculate the average rate of change per second.
A Passing Leak Rate is defined as a rate of change of less than 0.001% to 0.002% Rdg per second.  A rate of change greater than this will pose problems for the 7615 control and must be fixed before other trouble shooting can be applied.