
Use the RMA tool to get a quote for servicing--or directly place an order for servicing.
[If your unit is under Gold Care, special servicing may be available. Check your plan for details.]

  • The videos on this page show you how to use the Fluke Service Center (RMA Tool) to do the following: 
    • Register for an account (5 min)
    • Create a quote or an order (6 min)
    • Checking Status: shipping, repair, completion (3 min)
    • Turn a quote into an order (upload a PDF) (2 min)
    • Copy or clone a past order (2 min)


Register for an Account in the RMA Tool
(5 min)


Create a Quote or an Order in the RMA Tool


Check Order Status (Shipping, Repair, Completion)
(3 min)

Turn a Quote into an Order - Upload a PDF
(2 min)


Copy a Prior RMA and Use for a New Order
(2 min)