
This Article is about: 

  • Field of View explained

Field of View explained

The Field of View (FOV) defines the area which a camera can see at a given distance. The wider the Field of View, the bigger the area your camera can cover at your current distance to the object you`d like to see.

Field of View (FOV) is one of parameters defining the thermal camera resolution.

The camera with the same number of pixels, but wider field of view will show less details. When one uses a wide angle lens attached to the thermal camera, the actual resolution of the camera or the details provided by the camera will decrease.

The camera with the same number of pixels, but more narrow field of view, will allow to see smaller details. A telephoto lens attached to a thermal camera provides more narrow field of view and allows to resolve smaller details.

The camera with the same field of view but with bigger thermal image resolution will have smaller pixel angular size or Instantaneous Field Of View (IFOV) and will provide more details.

For example, both Ti300+ and Ti401Pro have the same field of view, but Ti401Pro allows to see more details because of bigger infrared image delivered by the thermal camera within the same field of view.

Ti300+ image
320x240 IR resolution
FOV 34°x24°
IFOV 1.85 mrad

Ti401Pro image
640x480 IR resolution
FOV 34°x24°
IFOV 0.93 mrad

The camera with the same pixel angular size or IFOV value but bigger thermal image resolution will allow to resolve the same details, but will provide wider field of view.

For example: both TiS55+ and TiS75+ have the same IFOV value of 1.91 mrad. They both can resolve the same details. But the TiS75+ has bigger thermal resolution, its field of view is also wider.

TiS55+ image
256x192 IR resolution
FOV 28°x20°
IFOV 1.91 mrad

TiS75+ image
384x288 IR resolution
FOV 42°x30°
IFOV 1.92 mrad