

Can I use a i430 flex current probe together with a ScopeMeter ? 


The i430 flex is a flexible current probe that can measure currents, however it is not intended for direct use on the 190 ScopeMeters. 
Only for the 430 (II) Power Quality analyzers series power quality analyzers. 

Reason is that the i430 flex does not come with an integrator circuit to transform the signal of the coil into a nice mV/A ratio as output. 
Similar to current probes which are suitable for multimeters and ScopeMeters (e.g. Fluke i310s or Fluke i3000s). 
The 430(II) Power Quality Analyzers have this technology integrated in the input-circuits.

The ScopeMeters do not have this technology in their circuits. 
So if you need a similar flex you can use the I3000s Flex probe these have a proper mV/A ratio for use on Digital Multi Meters (DMM) and ScopeMeters: