

See the link at the end of this article to view or download a file with information on setting up the piston-cylinder units and mass set for a 2485 piston gauge in COMPASS for Pressure calibration software. Also see other files in this section, the applicable product manuals and the electronic help file in COMPASS for Pressure.

24xx Piston Gauge Setup in COMPASS for Pressure, Application Note


If you have a CD or electronic version of the .pc and .ms WinPrompt files use the COMPASS for Pressure import feature. See the document “Import individual Ruska PC, MS into COMPASS.pdf”. This document is at the end of the article at this link,

Import individual Ruska PC, MS into COMPASS.pdf



For the fluid head height measurements, it is important to know that COMPASS for Pressure handles the calculation the same way as WinPrompt.  Both software packages utilize the L1 and D parameters to take advantage of the scribe mark for the reference plane on the 2465 and 2485.  The reference plane is near the bottom of the mounting post.  Therefore, when measuring for a fluid head height, you must measure from the reference plane to the DUT.  If the DUT is above the reference plane then it is a positive value, negative value is the DUT is below.


Contact Fluke Calibration Pressure Technical Support at the below link or by phone at +1.877.355.3225